Thursday, March 18, 2010


Life is full of amazingness! Just look around and you will see it everywhere! Check out the little buds on the trees. Take a peek at the little green tips of tulips popping out of the ground. Listen to the birds sing in the quiet of the morning. Breath the air. Come on...take a big gulp! That amazingness is spring!

I find as I get older that spring holds so much hope....for me, for nature, for the world! Everything feels new and fresh again. Even cleaning the load of winter dog poop from the yard carries some promise....

I think it becomes clearer with age just how blessed I really am, how blessed we are. The little surprises of spring remind me to take a moment to choose to be happy! I have lived long to enough to experience some pretty desperate and traumatic life events. At times crawling under the protection of the bed covers seemed the only way to deal. But this fresh spring air brings with it a good dose of delight!

There is purpose in every event in our lives. Of that I am very sure. And I have come far enough down this road of life, that I can truly be thankful for the painful tragedies and disorderly disasters. They make today seem so much sweeter!

I must admit that there is one other little thing that has been affecting my attitude lately. My little grandson, Levi Robert, was born into this world very early the morning of February 19, 2010. Words fail me when it comes to describing this particular joy. Watching this little life emerge into our world is a blessing that I will always remember with elation. Make no mistake. Birth, life, is a miracle. Just thinking of this magical moment takes my breath away a little...Thank you Michael and Kayla for so generously sharing this life changing event with me!

Some other recent joys that come to mind...

- A day of shopping with my daughter, my personal fashionista. Noel took me to the fitting room, and insisted on making me the VIP for the day. Her perseverance in finding something fashionable paid off. I can't remember that last time I felt so important! Or so pretty! Thank you Noel!

- Christian and his most recent "find"! This time it was a very old and well used bicycle built for two. And who do you think he requested to share his "ride" with? Why me! Who woulda thought? I climbed on the back of that darn thing, my knees hit the handle bars, and away we went! Laughing all the way! Thank you Christian!

- A recent lunch date with my sister Rena. Her little guy, Lucas, is a real cutie pie. He is 18 months old and as busy as they come! But he always has a smile on his adorable little face! A visit with my sister and her son warms my heart, and makes me smile! Keep your momma on her 46 year old feet Luke!

- A relationship discovery! I am now married to a Grandpa! And that wonderful man no longer looks like ZZ Top! After many months of growing out his beard to a long and somewhat undignified nest (I really do believe there were a few creatures living in there) Bob finally showed me the face that I love! No more scary kisses! My Bob is back!

- Baby celebration! So many people have helped to induct me into the halls of Grandmahood! Thanks to everyone who shared the joy with me!

So let me just close by saying "THANK YOU JESUS"! Without Your love, none of these joyous occurrences would have been possible. With Your love, it is all so much sweeter! Keep the blessings coming! For you are the giver of all good things! And I trust that your plan is the best one!

1 comment:

  1. Amen. Thanks for sharing Toni. You are a blessing. PTL for you and "family".


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