Friday, December 25, 2009

The Gift of Giving

For many reasons, the season of giving has made me reflect upon my own gifting choices. All the normal questions have popped up: what does the reciever want, what does the reciever need, what can I afford???? We all go through theses decisions when we are in the midst of the gift giving process.

A few years ago, I made the committment to be a hairstylist on Fridays at two local assisted living facilities; Cedar Grove Gardens I, and Belgium Gardens. Please do not make any assumptions as to the generosity of this choice. I want you to know that this is a job. I recieve financial compensation for each head of hair that I do. And yet, some days I feel pretty generous because it is a very physical job that takes a huge reserve of patience and kindness. When I am done with my Fridays at the Gardens, I am exhausted! I have given it my all!

This year part of my gift giving dilemna centered around my elderly friends. This is a difficult choice, as these ladies live in one room, and really don't have the space for or need another thing.

I love these ladies. I love their spunk, wisdom, and, yes, even their sometime disgust at still living here on earth. I really wanted to do something for them that would make a difference in their lives. Tough assignment, when many are broaching or boasting 90 years, more or less.

I decdided to give each of them a fancy discloth that I had knit myself. These dandy little circles are pretty, and many use them as doilies. So I gathered up my wares of many colors and headed for the Gardens.

As I completed each woman's hair, I offered her the choice of one of my humble, and what I thought might be silly, gifts. And much to my surprise, each woman was excited to take her pick. "You made this for ME?" "You made this yourself?" "Oh, how pretty!!"

And from each and every woman, I received an unexpected gift...a hug and a smile!

This process of gift giving started out being about me...what I could give, what I could share, what I thought would be useful, how could I change their day? But, my oh my, I learned a huge lesson at the Gardens this Christmas Eve Day. I gave of myself, and they gave back. I had no idea that something so simple would be an event that brightened my elderly friends hearts, and was returned to me in a bigger and better way! I had been outdone! I felt so blessed It is not often that I have seen the joy of amazement and surprise in the eyes of an adult gift recipient. My heart was and is FULL. And many times that day I felt my eyes brimming with tears of joy.

I can't help but reflect upon the life of my mother who passed away a year ago this December. She, too, lived at Belgium Gardens for the last year of her life. She was a difficult woman as she grew older. She was angry, depressed and childish. She was not fun to be around. She was the butt of many family disappointments and arguments. It has taken me the better part of 2009 to actually miss her. (I am ashamed of this, although it is the truth.) But as this year has gone by, some of the good memories have been revived and the sadness of the later years of her life has begun to fade. Many people gave of themselves to my mom, when my sister and I were struggling with that ability. I am so happy I can return that favor today to my friends at the Gardens.

I truly believe that we have been put here to love one another. That is not always an easy job. But never underestimate the power of a kind word, a hug, or even just a listening ear. I have had the joy of receiving each of these things in a time of need. God loves it when we love each other!

Let me close by saying that the best gift of all is Jesus Christ our saviour. He was born to be the King of kings, and Lord of lords. He came here to die for us, to take our sins. God made flesh. We are a blessed people. Turn to him. He wants you.

Merry Christmas to all! And God bless you everyone!

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