Wednesday, December 9, 2009

So Sorry

I have not been a faithful blogger lately. I have been unable to find the inspiration to write about something meaningful. I have felt limp and incapable. And there has been another hurdle. I upset someone dear to me with the my written words. I am still really not quite clear on what upset her so much, but after some serious consideration, and encouragement from like-minded friends, I have decided to continue to share my thoughts on whatever crosses my mind.

So lately I have been thinking about how God uses our weaknesses to His benefit. I am surely a weak woman. I am a sinner, an outlaw to Gods rules. I often disappoint myself, my family and friends. I can only imagine how saddened Christ is by my actions, and/or my failure to act. I am not saying these things so someone can praise my efforts and make me feel better. I am saying them because they are true. As a christian woman, I am fully aware of my shortcomings. And believe me, they are many. But here is the thing....God knows how to take those inadequacies and faults and turn them into tools. He has made and redeemed me, and only he knows me inside and out. He is wise beyond my understanding so I should never underestimate His power and ability.

One of my weaknesses is opening myself up to others. I have developed, through experience, the idea that exposing my innermost feelings makes me a target for hurt and rejection. And I fall prey to that lie often. I don't like to upset or hurt the ones I love, or anyone for that matter. But sometimes doing the right thing does just that. I feel called to share my experiences, and relate them to my Christian life. If this is painful to the reader, then please abstain...

I cannot pretend to be something I am not. I need this space to express my thanks, blessings, questions, and faith. And I pray daily that God will use me in a productive way, the way that He sees fit, to His purpose. I trust that this blog is a part of that job.

John 16:33

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

1 comment:

I am pleased that you have taken the time to read my blog. It would mean the world to me if you would leave a comment! Thanks so much!




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