Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Unexpected Blessings

This past weekend I went on a much dreaded journey. My husband, and two youngest kids accompanied me. It was a journey of much hesitation and doubt. Because of my families encouragement and strength, this thing is accomplished. It is a part of my personal history. I am relieved. I am a very blessed woman. I make this statement in the most serious of manners. God is good. He is faithful and I am continuously amazed at His grace. Even in my unworthiness, God chooses to make me the recipient of many good things.

I am proud and awed by the lives of my teenagers. They are a testament to the fact that life is a joy, a pleasure, a challenge. Noel has charmed even the most difficult personalities into submission. She can take a bad situation and look for the silver lining. She smiles, and my heart melts. But mostly, she just loves me for the mom that I am to her. And that makes me happy. I value her opinion and benefit from her respect. She has pushed me to rely on God, when I have been tempted to rely on things much less dependable.

And then there is Christian... He always has a smile on! He doesn't talk a lot about his faith, but he lives it. He accepts those around him with kindness and joy. He embraces the strengths of others and chooses to emulate them. He strives to take the high road when the choice really matters. I am proud of him, and know that I can always count on my Christian for a hug and a laugh. Let me just add here that he makes the craziest faces!

I delight in my husband. He has made it very clear to anyone who will listen that it makes no difference how I got here. He loves me, and he knows the great blessing that our children are. He is not afraid to voice his love, even when I sometimes find it embarrassing. He inspires me to greater heights. He is my rock, and I know that I can always count on him for support and encouragement.

This weekend may have been a bit scary. I certainly tried to wiggle out of it a few times. And it does take effort to look through the uncomfortable or awkward to see the awesome! It seems pretty clear that God was giving me a much needed reminder that I am constantly surrounded with His love. The times of my life are what He has planned for me!

Romans 8:28
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you are back!! Your writing is always an encouragement to me, and I admire the strength that got you through last weekend!

    Also, your blog is looking mighty cute :]


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