Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I am a Patriot

I have always considered myself a patriotic citizen. I was brought up to be proud of our country, our flag, and the men and women who volunteer to serve in the military. My dad was a veteran of WWII, and he instilled in me a healthy respect for all things American. I will forever be thankful to Dad for this part of my character. As an adult, that feeling has grown stronger. I am now the proud parent of a soldier, and more fiercely protective of our rights and freedoms than ever before.

So what exactly is patriotism? According to Wikipedia, it is the love and/or devotion for one's country. I would agree with that definition, but would prefer to take it a step or two deeper.

I know it is not fashionable to be a patriot. On that note, I feel that patriotism, at least the type that I celebrate, is not a political concept. For me, it revolves more around the people that live beside me in the daily grind of life. I mean...WE THE PEOPLE.

Why is it so easy to overlook the amazing things that have happened here in America? I can marry the man of my choosing, select the food I would like to eat, buy the clothes whose style fits me best, choose my friends, birth or adopt as many children as my husband and I care to parent, worship my God, own a rifle, and raise my children with the morals and ethics that I value. And that is not even a drop in the bucket.

It seems that we have forgotten what America is all about. It seems that we have let the concept of freedom become a burden instead of a blessing. We argue about hot topics, disagree about politics, and build "fences" to keep out the issues that are disagreeable to us. It seems ancient history to put the words "right" and "responsibility" together.

I find that many times we take our rights for granted, and tend to sweep the responsibility part under the rug. In a perfect world, patriotism would include the responsibility of having a social conscience. Hatred and bitterness would become extinct with the responsible practice of patriotism. Patriotism should be a lifetime dedication to make our world a better, more thriving place. We should cherish and use carefully our right to dissent, and respect the rights of others to do so courteously.

I believe that patriotism is a principle, and ideal, a character trait that has everything to do with loving and caring for people everywhere.

And I am proud and elated to live in a country where I can, and do, choose to live my ideal of patriotism. I am a patriot!

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