Monday, July 6, 2009

The World is All Good

Do you ever have those days when you wonder where the world is headed? Things just seem downright nasty, and any hope seems to have faded away? The evening news is full of badness and sadness, and you just can't seem to remember that God has a plan for all this?

I am betting you answered yes! Me too!

A few days ago, I got a little insight into what makes this world worthy, good, and happy. Actually there are quite a few everyday things that can make me feel this way too. If I stay away from the world news, I might check up on my own little world and think of all my immediate children, my job, my spouse, my health. That list can go on and on. And it should. That is a healthy way to bring Light to each new day. Thoughts of these gifts can definitely open my eyes to the loveliness of life, and give me hope and peace.

But sometimes I just get a blast, an explosion, an actual flash of giddiness. My heart is awakened to the miracle of life. What could possibly cause this reaction, you might ask? Well, in my current world, it is my little nephew Lucas.

I just look at that little 10 month old piece of work, and I get a smile worth a million bucks - from him, for me, from me! He is a bit of joy, a miracle, a gladness in my life. He makes my heart happy. He is all that is right with the world. And he makes my heart flutter.

Lucas is my sister Rena's son. She is also the mother of a 26 year old daughter, and a 23 year old son. And along comes the unthinkable miracle...a healthy baby boy born to rock the world of some sleeping people. Little Lucas Lee. Have I mentioned that he is amazing? I was fortunate enough to witness the miracle of his life making it's entrance into this world.

This little boy has already changed lives. Rena, his mom, has found a new patience and selflessness that is new in her life. This makes me happy. And Lucas' life has refreshed for me the idea that God has plans for all his creation! God does not create gratuitously! Lucas is in this world with a purpose! I can't wait to see what is in store for him and his family...

The world is all good. Lucas is my proof of that. Thank you God.


  1. Children are such a blessing and they truly do change our lives. I love hod God works that way. What a beautiful perspective you have on your nephew. Thanks for sharing! :)

  2. One special little guy + doting parents = a lifetime of happiness


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