Thursday, August 27, 2009

50 Confessions

A fellow blogger and friend, my daughter in law Kayla, did 50 confessions in her blog. So here are my confessions, pitiful as they may be:

1. I feel inadequate in many areas of my life. Different areas - different days.

2. My hair is grey/white. Totally. Only my stylist knows exactly the natural color content of my naked hair. Very scary thought.

3. I am a Christian. This is the single most important confession I could, and ever will make.

4. I love to write/blog/argue/read the written word. Reading is one of the supreme joys of my life.

5. I can feel myself getting older. This is not necessarily a bad thing, just a fact that is VERY hard to deny.

6. Sometimes I feel like I am the single inhabitant of my very own expression zone, and other people misinterpret me all the time. Maybe I am speaking some distinctly different and unknown type of English. Or maybe this is because I am the mother of teenagers.

7. My life has been full of surprises, tragedies, traumas, and dramatics. I have benefited from each one.

8. I am the biological daughter of Bernard Meacham. This is not the man that I loved, argued with and was expected to call DAD for 45 years of my life. I really don't even know him, and am not sure I have the courage it would take to have an actual relationship with him.

9. I expect honesty from the people whom I love and value. I DETEST dishonesty. I can cope with a multitude of disappointments, but dishonesty is one thing that I do not abide.

10. I have Type II diabetes. While this is a serious medical condition, there is also a serious embarrassment factor that goes along with this territory. This disease seems to scream to innocent onlookers "I am overweight, and not willing to change this fact to save the healthy state of my life". Sorry friends. It ain't that easy.

11. I love a roaring crazy laugh with anyone. Hardy har har har!!! :)

12. Knitting brings me solitude and prayer time.

13. My husband's dog Lucky drives me crazy. He is a great dog...for some other unsuspecting family! I would give him away, to the right person, in one breath. No holds barred. Here is the leash and food and poop bags. Oh, and don't forget to get yourself a very expensive vacuum cleaner too! And maybe a case of Febreeze....

14. Number 13 brings me to this notion: I am cold-hearted. Yep. The truth is finally out. I have very little sympathy for most murky little life tragedies. I have been known, however, to indulge in my own nasty life dramas, and expect others to treat me with care, and even sympathize with my situation. Should I call that selfish??? Life is tough. Wear a helmet.

15. I love my mother and father in law. I have been blessed to marry into the Schommer family and receive the gift of stable, practical in laws who treat me like a daughter. This has been one of the most pleasant surprises and blessings in my adult life!

16. I want to understand the male mind. I don't think this will ever happen.

17. I love my husband with my whole heart and soul. He is a gift from the Lord. He is my lifelong friend and confidant. He has given me my precious children. What more can I say? He is amazing.

18. I am the blessed mother of four. Michael's identical twin brother died at birth. His short time here (most of it in my belly) touched the lives of many people and forever changed my perception of life...I love you Thomas. You are in my heart every day.

19. I dearly loved my mom. She always let me know just how special I was to her. Dementia, secrets, and lies made her into the enemy at the end of her life. Funny thing is, I know that she did the best that she could, and my love for her has changed, but not diminished by one little bit.

20. God has blessed me with the gift of being a great hairstylist! I love my job! I get to make people look and feel better! It doesn't get much better than that! And to top it off, many of my clients are friends and mentors who have had a great impact on my life. God has a plan! That is apparent in my life!

21. I am sick and tired of being a hottie, or hot momma, whichever you prefer. Before you start thinking that I am a very egotistical person, let me add that these tags refer to body heat and sweating. If your furnace ever fails, just give me a call and I will be happy to come on over and share the heat...Ugh! Will this middle aged nastiness ever end?

22. I love to have a margarita, a long island iced tea, or a Bud Lime Light. Two is just about my limit, as my children will quickly point out to you.

23. One of the simple pleasures in life is sheets right off the line!

24. Another simple pleasure....a homemade cappuccino out on the deck on a sunny cool morning. Or a daughter in law that works at Starbucks.

25. I am looking forward to being a grandma. I can't wait to see what God has in store for Baby Schommer, and his parents! I do believe it will be an incredible journey.

26. I am a middle of the night insomniac. I can always fall asleep. Unfortunately it usually only lasts about 3 or 4 hours. Then my brain takes over and I spend about an hour solving world problems in my head, and tossing and turning to beat the band. Another middle aged craziness that will probably be a fact of my life for a while to come.

27. Christian is the kid that can always make me laugh. Always. Even when it is inappropriate for me to laugh. My bad...

28. Noel can outdo me in the organizational realm any day. She is bossy, happy, and self assured. These things will serve her well in life. And she loves me unconditionally.

29. Michael is my kid who is a study in opposites. He can put me to shame in many areas of knowledge, and he can also put me to shame by the amount of mess he can leave around as a personal trail of what he has eaten and worn throughout the day. God bless his unsuspecting and patient wife.

30. I love nothing better than a serious discussion or debate. Sometimes this terrifies potential friends.

31. I adore babies. Little, big, cute, sleeping, crying, giggling, or fussing. They all make my heart happy. I especially enjoy witnessing the embarrassing things that other people's little ones do. This will never fail to make me smile and/or laugh out loud.

32. My cheeks get red at the slightest hint of embarrassment or nervousness. It is very disgusting that people can read me with ease. I would like be able to hide my feelings at times.

33. I pray often for my friends and family who are not Christians. I want them to share the joy of knowing the Truth. I want them to have eternity with Jesus. I now I will be there. I would like them to join me.

37. I can fall to tears at the drop of a hat. This has not always been the case. It seems life experience has taught me how to let go.

38. I do not have an inner beast.

39. My children are my pride and joy.

40. I cannot do 50 confessions. There is nothing left to say. So I will stop here because I find that I want to repeat myself. And then it is no longer a confession, right? I guess I am not the mysterious person I thought myself to be! So maybe the joke is on me....

I just want to finish up with the following Bible verse which was texted to me by friend who knew I was having a difficult day. Her prayers and willingness to share lead me to a kinder and gentler path, and God laid an answer on my heart. If you are in need today, I hope this will help:

I Peter 3:8-12

8Finally, all of you, live in harmony with one another; be sympathetic, love as brothers, be compassionate and humble. 9Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing. 10For,
"Whoever would love life
and see good days
must keep his tongue from evil
and his lips from deceitful speech.
11He must turn from evil and do good;
he must seek peace and pursue it.
12For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous
and his ears are attentive to their prayer,
but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil."

1 comment:

  1. yayyy! I was so excited to read these.

    First of all...I NEVER would have thought your hair was grey/white...ever!!

    As for feeling like you have your own expression zone...I have often wondered if how people can know that everyone feels the same way and then give it a name...when we have only been inside our own minds and feelings!! but then, I realize that it must be true, because we can so closely relate to feelings from a movie, book, or someones blog! Thats one of those thoughts that is like saying the word beer over and over again...soon it doesn't even sound english.

    Oh's too bad that giving him away would make Bob cry!!

    Christian always makes me laugh, as well. He's just a happy guy that makes me happy no matter how sad I am that Michael is gone!!

    I also, blush at the slightest hint of embarrassment. I hate it!

    thanks for sharing...jamma-larin.


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