Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Precious Life

I have had the unusual pleasure recently of enjoying a 3 month old infant who is basically a stranger! My daughter in law, Kayla, was watching her cousin's son Brayden, and brought him over to our home so I could get a "baby fix"! I played with him, bathed him, changed his diapers, and just truly delighted in the lovely little perfection of his whole being! And believe me, this bouncing baby boy was perfect...perfectly adorable, perfectly content, perfectly formed, and perfectly delightful! There is nothing comparable to the happiness that a new life can bring to my day. He enchanted me, and I fell in love with him!

I can't help but ponder my first grandchild who is, at this very moment, growing and forming in his mother's womb. I see the little baby bump starting to appear, and my mind's eye can already put a face and personality on this child! I am SURE that he (sex unknown, just an easy way to refer to the little one) will be wonderful, superb, amazing and breathtaking! How could it be otherwise, when his parents are some of my favorite people in the world? I know he will have a brilliant future surrounded by so many lovely people who already love him and eagerly anticipate his appearance.

I have a relentless and strong desire to reach out my hand to touch this little one. His momma is very kind about sharing this joy with me, and generously lets me rest my hand on her little baby bump whenever the yearning overcomes my sense of will power! This is my son's first child! Just allowing myself to think those words gives me goose bumps! Tears form behind my eyes as I think of the world that will be his! God created this tiny treasure, knows each hair on his head, and will never forsake the person who he will be! God has a plan for this life scheduled to enter the world in 6 short months. I am overwhelmed with joy that I will soon be a grandma! I am a part of His plan for this new life!

Psalm 16:11

11 You have made known to me the path of life;
you will fill me with joy in your presence,
with eternal pleasures at your right hand.


  1. Brayden is such a little sweetie.
    I can't wait to meet our baby!!!! He is going to be soooo spoiled by his grandmas :]

  2. You bet your sweet patootio that he will be spoiled!


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