Sunday, June 14, 2009

Learning About Love

I am 47. I remember a time when that sounded old. For the most part I don't feel old. But sometimes I just feel worn out, tired from the trials of the world that surrounds me. And it is then that I feel the need for refreshment. Not a drink, or a shopping spree, but being refreshed with love. God's endless unconditional love for me. Without that omnipotent love, life would not be worth living.

I have definitely been feeling empty lately. Life has offered so many changes, traumas, and excitement that my heart has not been able to keep up with my head. Sometimes I let these life adjustments wring me dry. You would think I would know better by now, but to no avail. I still let myself run on empty.

And then I find myself with a friend, at a book discussion, or at work and someone lovingly calls this lack to my attention. Today it was the pastor's message that caught my attention. It was all about love; God's endless supply of love for his people, and how that Amazing love fills us up so we can love others. But here is the catch...
Worldly love is selfish. We love people and things because we need them. Our Heavenly Father teaches us to love people how they need to be loved.

Now really! Does it get any better than that? Why have I been feeling empty? Because my love has become selfish. This is a choice. The everyday junk got in my heart instead of the Miraculous love that should have been there. How did the pastor know that I needed to hear this message today? This is significant for me, life changing. It is a way that I have never thought about love. I can give away all the love in my heart, give that love to others the way that they need to be loved,and my faithful Lord will constantly keep me refreshed and able, if only I come back to Him for refills.

And that, my friends, is incredible!

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