Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Playing in the Dirt

So....It is a beautiful day here in Cedar Grove, WI. About 70 degrees, and just a bit of sunshine. There is no better weather to work in my flower gardens.I love to play in the dirt! It just makes me feel good. I love the smell, feel, and look of good rich soil. But mostly I love the nurturing of plants. My garden makes me feel successful!

To be honest, I can't really brag about the beauty of my yard. In fact, sometimes it just looks like a random junk yard due to the large amounts of debris that my youngest son, Christian, leaves laying around...a collection of bikes, tools, and other haphazard clutter. These things look like garbage to me, but to him they are important items. So I respect his mess, because that is just they way I feel about my flowers!

I just got finished an enjoyable workout in the yard. I pulled weeds, cut back shrubs, moved some perennials, and basically neatened things up. My muscles ache, my face is sunburnt, and I am parched. Mostly, though, I am smiling! I am the master of my little gardens, the mover and shaker, the one who makes all the decisions. So when I stumble upon a gardening success, it makes my day! When one of my plants grows, flourishes, and then blooms into astounding beauty it feels like a personal victory!

I am so blessed that God has put me in charge of this little piece of earth I call my yard!


  1. I have never played in a garden, but it sounds like hard work and lots of fun!! What do you have planted?

  2. I am going to take pics! Lots of perennials that friends gave me from their gardens.


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