Saturday, June 27, 2009

Life Changes...

I am going to be a grandma! I can't hardly absorb the context of those words! I am still getting used to the fact that my oldest child is a husband, much less a father! Amazing does not even begin to describe how I feel about this newest life change!

Michael (my oldest son, age 19) married Kayla on April 30, 2009. It was a whirlwind wedding day, planned on a wing and a prayer, during a one week military leave. Yet, it was a beautiful day of love, family, and celebration; a day filled with God's love!

We have had about 8 weeks to become accustomed to this newest life change. It has not been difficult to accept because Kayla is a lovely young lady. After nineteen years of praying for a Christian spouse for Michael (and each of my kids in turn) this prayer was answered in a big way! Kayla is the perfect partner for Michael, and the love between them has been apparent since shortly after they first started dating about 2 years ago.

A few days ago the happy newlyweds phoned to tell us the sweet news...Needless to say, it took my breath away. I am afraid to admit that they did not get the response that they had expected. To be honest, I was just plain overwhelmed...So many questions, and even objections came to my mind.

Now I know that this does not sound like a very loving response. The very first thought that crossed my mind? Michael would very likely be in Iraq when this new little life entered the world. Then there was the other side of that coin - that Kayla would, most likely, be giving birth without her husband by her side. My mind added to this bleak picture the fact of their youth and inexperience...and I actually began to feel a little panicky.

But then something happened. I felt a change taking place deep inside. Instead of common sense, the actual miracle of this new little life occurred to me. God quieted the doubts in my head, and put love and peace in my heart. After all, God knew this little life before it was ever formed...That fact just reassures of the rightness of it all!

I was also reminded that these happy faithful newlyweds would be great, kind, loving parents. Already, this little life that has only just begun, is loved, cherished, and greatly anticipated.

Bob and I are going to be grandparents! Wasn't it just yesterday that my kids were toddling around our lives? And now a grandchild! This is a part of God's plan for our life, and we are feeling very blessed!

*****Palms 139:13-14
For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother's womb.

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

*****Jeremiah 29:11

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD,
"plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you
hope and a future."

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